Bonsie's Brave Babies


Bonsie Skin to Skin Babywear has changed the way we dress medically complicated and disabled babies in the NICU setting. Bonsie's unique design allows doctors and nurses to easily place sensitive medical equipment on your baby while keeping them warm.

"Skin-to-skin has AMAZING benefits and is one of the best things you can do for your baby while they’re in the NICU. Your touch, your skin, your smells, your voice, and your overall presence is helping your baby not only cope with the new world they’re living in, but supporting their medical goals also."

Katie, a NICU occupational therapist and NICU mom

"Our little man spent his first week in NICU due to respiratory issues and all your onesies were perfect so he could wear clothes and be cozy while still being hooked to all the sensors. They were game changers and even the nurses loved them!"

Sarah, NICU Mom

Bonsie's Babywear is good for...


  • Cleft lip and palate
  • Pre and post pediatric heart surgery
  • Esophageal atresia
  • Bowel atresia
  • Vascular malformations

Tests & Procedures

  • Antibiotic treatment
  • Blood transfusion
  • Endotracheal tube
  • Eye examination
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Arterial line

"Kix was born with what we thought was tetralogy of fallot, but once he was born, it quickly change to a truncas arteriosus. We found out he had a heart condition at our 20 week anatomy scan. Kix has one kidney and DiGeorge Syndrome as well. He spent 5.5 months in the hospital and fought so hard! He is our warrior."

Lorna, NICU Mom

“As a NICU nurse I have seen first-hand the amazing benefits of skin-to-skin contact, and the miraculous impact it can have on both premature babies and healthy newborns alike.

One of my favorite benefits to talk about with parents is the immune-boosting benefit of skin-to-skin contact. When mothers hold their babies skin to skin, in both sick and well babies, the mother’s skin colonizes the baby's skin with “good” bacteria to fight off infection."

- Erin Boje, NICU RN

"Our daughter was born with a congenital heart defect, and as a result has had to have frequent echocardiograms during her first few months of life. The Bonsies have become our go-to outfits for these. If she’s sleeping, we’re able to open her shirt without waking her - and if she is awake and fussing, we’re able to keep her legs and arms covered and warm while giving enough space for the cardiology team to work their magic!"

- Kelsey, NICU Mom