Real Moms. Real Interviews. Gabrielle’s Story

Pranav Jhadav

Gabrielle and her husband welcomed their first little boy in November. Harvey has two big sisters, Vivienne and Ace, and Gabrielle is a stay at home mom. Their family lives in Michigan and loves adventuring outside, hiking, camping, spinning vinyl, and thrifting together. Arts and crafts and photography are Gabrielle’s favorite hobbies. Gabrielle and Scott’s biggest goal is to always remain a team and raise their kids to be kind and loving towards everyone. “I'd say we are doing a pretty amazing job at it so far!” Gabrielle said.

Photo of Gabrielle’s family standing in the woods posing for a family photo.

Gabrielle’s family.

Since delivering your son, what has been the best part of motherhood?

“The love. Being able to experience bringing new life into this world for the third time. Being a boy mom for the first time. Watching our second daughter take on the role as a big sister. All the love our girls have for their little brother.”

What has been the most challenging part?

“The sleepless nights with two older kids. Having the energy to spend quality time with them when we are absolutely exhausted. The hardest part is probably managing my time between three kids, my husband, and myself.”

Gabrielle with two daughters, holding the youngest with a kiss and the oldest at her side.

What has been the most memorable part?

“Lots of little moments, but one of the more special ones was the day we brought Harvey home from the hospital. He was smiling and relaxed as soon as we came home. In absolute awe of him, sitting in the living room with Scott saying, ‘I can't believe we have three kids.’ We soaked in the quiet and calmness before we welcomed our two big girls home to meet their baby brother. Then the chaos ensued and hasn't ended since.” ❤️

Photo of baby Harvey sleeping in a bassinet wearing Bonsie's Oat Footie

Can you share a little bit about labor, delivery, and breastfeeding?

“I am so thankful and so lucky that Harvey took to breastfeeding immediately. He was born very quickly and we joke that if we didn't leave for the hospital when we did, he would have been born on our living room floor. Except it's not really a joke! I was in active labor for about two hours and pushed for two minutes and he was born. Very, very, different from my labor and delivery with my girls. Both of my girls were born sunny side up, Harvey was not. He came out looking absolutely perfect. His head was perfectly round; the nurses said he looked like a Cesarean baby because he looked so perfect. He came into this world fast and ready, but very calm. He barely cried when he was born. The moment we met, I knew he was exactly what I needed. My little zen boy, to remind me to slow down and breathe, just like his dad. Except after we've had two kids, it's been harder for me to slow down. Harvey was my reminder of that. That time goes by fast. The best way we can spend our moments is just by enjoying and loving one another. This is what Scott has always reminded me when I need it most. Now we get another chance, third times the charm, to enjoy the magic of new life all over again, to slow down and truly enjoy all of the raw and real moments, no matter how messy they are. They aren't kidding when they say, 2 kids is 2 kids, 3 kids is 15. But the chaos is so, so worth it. I wouldn't change it for anything!”

Gabrielle holding baby Harvey. Both are smiling.

After Harvey was born, did you practice skin-to-skin contact? Is it still a regular part of your routine?

“Yes! As soon as he was born he spent several hours laying skin-to-skin on my chest. Our bond is very strong.

There have been times where he is overly tired or just uncomfortable, and the moment I lay him skin-to-skin on my chest, he stops crying. I can feel the relief in his body the second he lays on my chest.

He tested positive for RSV at only five weeks old. We were very scared, but luckily his symptoms were very minimal. I know that skin-to-skin had a huge impact on that. It helped him regulate his body temperature, and helped me produce the exact antibodies he needed in my breast milk. I have also felt overwhelmed at times, or very anxious. Laying with him skin-to-skin is very soothing to me. It has taken anxiety attacks away completely. It has definitely helped me channel my "zen" moment when I need it most.”

A photo of Harvey in Bonsie's Mama Bear Footie.

A photo of Harvey in Bonsie's Mama Bear Footie.

You can follow more stories from Gabrielle and her family here:

Link to Gabrielle's Instagram page