Entrepreneur Julia Lang Proves that Moms Can Have It All

Pranav Jhadav

Bonsie recently had the privilege of connecting with Julia Lang about managing her successful career alongside motherhood. Julia is a talent and creative director, founder and overall serial entrepreneur of Tanzanian-German descent based in NYC. Most importantly, she’s the mother of Juma Bambi, her baby girl.

Julia and Juma snuggle on the couch.

Julia and Juma snuggle on the couch.

“I delivered Juma in New York City. My labor was very intense, 3 full days to be exact. Then everything went really fast and I delivered Juma within 20 minutes: a healthy, beautiful and calm baby girl weighing 6 pounds and 11 ounces.”

After Juma Bambi was delivered, Julia immediately held her against her chest, skin-to-skin.

“I asked for a golden hour right after delivering. Juma loves skin-to-skin. Her entire mood changes when we do it. She loves wearing her little Bonsies!”

Juma Bambi in an Avocado Bonsie.

Juma Bambi in an Avocado Bonsie.

Like many other new parents, Julia’s greatest challenge has been adjusting to less sleep.

“I need a solid 8 hours of sleep per night, which is obviously not the case anymore. That has been the biggest adjustment and challenge for me thus far. Pray for me.. haha.”

Despite lack of sleep, Julia manages her thriving business and balances her role as a new mother and entrepreneur. Recently, VEERT, her successful lifestyle brand, was spotted on Usher right before his Super Bowl halftime show.

“I launched my unisex lifestyle brand VEERT at the end of 2020 while also continuously running my marketing agency that I founded almost a decade ago. VEERT has been such a big success and requires most of my time these days, when it comes to work. As I mentioned during my pregnancy announcement with VOGUE, "I feel like there is a massive stigma around women becoming mothers while having a career. Society often tries to say that a woman has to choose which path to go. Why choose? Can’t we have a career and raise children with unconditional love and attention? We absolutely can. Will it be easy? Probably not. Far from it. I want to be an example to my own daughter and show that you can step into your light while also building your wildest dreams, career-wise. It will be my mission to empower women that it’s okay to want both."

"As an entrepreneur, a big part of my identity, self-worth, and fulfillment comes from my work. Having a child doesn’t mean that you have to completely change who you are. It will look different than before having a child—yet, I am speaking it into existence: Women really can have it all.”

Julia Lang in VOGUE: Nicole Angles @sundewcreative

Julia Lang in VOGUE: Nicole Angles @sundewcreative

There are so many joyful moments of motherhood, and Julia is soaking up each precious new experience with Juma.

“Every day is different. There are new challenges and new blessings awaiting every day. Juma's little smiles and laughter makes me so happy. I try to be present each day as much as possible. Time goes by so fast.”

Julia announced her pregnancy through an exclusive VOGUE feature.

“I kept my pregnancy somewhat of a secret for the first 6 months. Then one day - out of the blue, I shared it with the world through a VOGUE interview and editorial. It was important to me to not only make a statement with the editorial images but also the message behind my article. As VOGUE said it best: "Creative Director and Designer Julia Lang Refuses to Choose Between Work and Motherhood"

Photo of Juma snuggled in a Bonsie.

Photo of Juma snuggled in a Bonsie.

Learn more about Julia Lang by following her on Instagram:

Follow Julia Lang on Instagram.