Real Moms. Real Interviews. Jill’s Story

Rohini More

Jill is 44 and lives in Arvada, Colorado with her wife, Tara, their six-year-old son, Hayden and their new baby, Bellamy. Jill is an attorney and the owner of a small law firm located in Denver.

Women with their new baby

During your first week with your newborn, what was:

Your Biggest Challenge?

“Balancing spending time with our six-year-old son with having a brand new baby. While he adores his sister, Hayden was used to being the center of our universe and he had a couple of days where we could tell he was regressing and acting out a little bit. It’s important to us to be sure to continue to give him our love and energy, while also enjoying our new baby and all the time we get to have with her while not working.”

The Biggest Surprise?

“We were a bit surprised by the lack of education provided at the hospital. We were released about 30 hours after Bellamy’s birth. We came home feeling like we had to google everything! On a positive note, we were pleasantly surprised with how well Bellamy eats. She actually inched her way to eat after only moments of being born and was back to her birthweight within six days.”

Your Favorite Part?

“We look at each other several times a day and say, I cannot believe she’s ours or I can’t believe we get to keep her forever. The pandemic is a blessing and a curse. It’s just our little family right now and we are using this time to just be together and soak up every moment. We cannot believe how immediately you fall in love with this little human. I’ve never felt so much peace, even among so much stress and uncertainty.”