Spotlight: Welcome Baby, USA

Rohini More

Bonsie Skin to Skin Babywear is honored to partner with Welcome Baby, USA, an organization that provides lower income families with newborn essentials at no cost.

Sarah Steinhardt and Juliet Fuisz, the Co-Founders of Welcome Baby

We had the chance to speak with Sarah Steinhardt and Juliet Fuisz, the Co-Founders of Welcome Baby about their incredible work.

How was Welcome Baby founded?

“Welcome Baby was founded out of our personal struggles in our own postpartum journeys. In the weeks after giving birth we found ourselves in a great deal of physical pain, emotionally overwhelmed and sleep deprived while simultaneously undertaking the most momentous and important role of our lives: to care for our beloved new babies. As we navigated these experiences we were struck with a passion to level the playing field for all moms and babies, particularly those who would struggle to provide the absolute necessities a baby needs in the month after birth.”

“Our mission was clear: provide basics for every baby and support for every mom."

Welcome baby gift box offerings: 220 Diapers, 240 Wipes and 2 Rash Creams

"We began by carefully selecting the most important essentials for babies in the first four weeks: 220 diapers, a month’s supply of wipes, bottles, pacifiers, a baby carrier, swaddles, baby wash, clothing and diaper creams. We would order these items in bulk to our homes, pack them into boxes in our living rooms and drop them off at organizations helping pregnant women living near the poverty line every single month. Fast forward four years and we have now provided 3,000 mothers and babies with our packages across nine states and are able to send them out from a distribution center to meet the needs of many different communities.”

What is the most pressing issue you have seen since getting started with Welcome Baby?

“It’s no secret that there is a huge void in the American healthcare system when it comes to taking care of newborns and new mothers. We are very proud that Welcome Baby steps into that void and provides a comprehensive solution to a major challenge that new moms and infants face as they begin their lives together. For $160, we can give a full Welcome Baby package of newborn essentials to a family in need. A mother buying the exact same supplies piecemeal and at retail prices would spend close to $400 for just the absolute basics. This is money that so many families simply do not have, and we are proud that just one of our packages can make an impact. A family who receives a Welcome Baby package will have everything needed to provide their baby with a healthy beginning to life, all in one box. A mom will not have to worry about how she can afford things like diapers or rash creams while she herself is still healing from delivery. A father will not have to worry about choosing between buying clothing for his new baby or providing food for his other children. As we mentioned, the postpartum period is a time of incredible vulnerability and we are thrilled to be a source of grace and support."

A mom who received a Welcome Baby Gift Box

"When we see a family who has a Welcome Baby package we know that we have made a huge impact.”

What has been the most meaningful moment since founding Welcome Baby?

“Receiving pictures of the babies and families who get a Welcome Baby package is the most incredible feeling. Every time we see the faces of these infants it reminds us of the love that every single mother feels for her infant. The moment you meet your baby there is this immense desire to provide for the child. We believe we are all united by this force. It’s incredibly powerful to know that we are making a difference for babies and moms in one of the most vulnerable times they will experience in their lives.”

How has Covid impacted your organization and the need for your services?

“Covid has sent the demand for our packages skyrocketing. The pandemic has been incredibly difficult for low-income families, particularly for poor women and newborns. Families already living paycheck to paycheck or in unstable housing situations have been met with extra challenges like lack of healthcare, loss of income and difficulty accessing child care. Low-income families are strapped and the need for support is greater than ever. Aside from the financial impact, Covid has made the lives of pregnant women and mothers with newborns more isolating. Support from family members and friends is harder to come by if you are trying to reduce your exposure to germs. We’ve heard from mothers who received our packages that they have been an absolute lifesaver because moms did not need to worry about taking their newborns into stores to purchase necessities and risk exposure to Covid. We are so proud, that during these difficult times, our moms will have everything they need, within arm’s reach, and can shelter safely at home with their babies as they also recover from delivery.”

What are your goals for Welcome Baby in 2022 and beyond?

“Our biggest, loftiest goal is to be able to provide a Welcome Baby package to every single mom and infant who needs one. We understand that is a long-term hope and are prioritizing for 2022 providing 2,000 families with a box of newborn essentials which would in effect double our reach from 2021.”

Welcome Baby Gift Box

What is the best way to get involved?

“There are so many ways people can help us! If our mission resonates with you, please follow us on Instagram @welcomebabyusa. If you are able, please consider a donation at our website…a little bit truly goes a very long way. $5 provides pacifiers to a family in need; $25 provides a full month of diapers and wipes for a newborn; $160 provides a complete Welcome Baby package to a family in need. Any amount is greatly appreciated!”

Help Support Moms & Babies in Need with Every Bonsie Purchase.

Bonsie’s Hospital Bag Basics (Pack of 4) - Mocha Twist Footie & Baby Bag with Milk Footie & Baby Bag.

Hospital Bag Basics - Mocha Twist Footie & Baby Bag with Milk Footie & Baby Bag

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Bonsie Skin to Skin Babywear donates a portion of its profits to Welcome Baby every single month.