This Is What New Moms Want

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Your good friend or family member has recently had a baby. You’ve told them congratulations and offered to help out in any way you can. Now what?

Mom standing next to window breastfeeding baby

Here is a list of what new moms really want from their friends and family.


Ask any new mom what she needs the most and the answer will likely be a nap. If you are healthy and able, offer to hold her baby and insist she gets some sleep.

“My mom and dad came over a ton to hold my baby for an hour or two so my husband and I could take a nap. That helped us so much!” -Haley

A Shower

Everyone feels better after a long, hot shower. And for a new mom who is likely covered in spit up, sweating from all the hormones and can’t remember when she washed her hair last, the chance to take a quiet, ten minute shower is a life saver.

“When my mom comes over she holds my baby while I shower and wash my hair, then she pampers me by braiding my hair. This always makes me feel better.” -Mary


Meal planning, grocery shopping and cooking are nearly impossible for a new mom. What she really needs is a fridge full of easy to prepare meals and snacks. Keep in mind that many moms will turn away help because they feel like they need to entertain or clean when friends or family stop by, so sometimes it’s best not to ask. Just pick up take out from her favorite restaurant, sneakily drop it off at her door and then text her that it’s there.

Remember that the entire first month of a newborn's life is exhausting, so dropping food off at any time will be appreciated.

“I woke up from a nap to find a few of my favorite foods and drinks on my doorstep. It was such a thoughtful and much needed surprise.” -Katie


Breastfeeding Support

If you are a veteran mom and have experience breastfeeding, share your stories of failure and success. Breastfeeding can be very difficult, especially if you have never done it before. Let her know that she is not alone in her struggles and that she is doing a great job.

“I didn’t feel comfortable going to support groups for breastfeeding, so it was nice to rely on friends for advice and encouragement.” -Danielle


A Babysitter

If mom has more than one child, she DEFINITELY needs a hand to keep everyone entertained. Offer to take the other kids for the afternoon so that she can focus her energy on caring for her newborn.

“My mother-in-law is so amazing. She frequently takes my energetic toddler to the park or on a long walk. My daughter always comes home tired and ready for a nap. And then I get some much needed time to just relax with my new baby.” -Lisa


New moms are often too busy to think about taking photos, or they are the only ones taking photos so they are never in them. Snap some adorable pictures of the newborn and of mom and baby together. She will be so glad she has some precious photos to frame and look back on later.


Give your friend or family member a Bonsie Baby Bundle. Not only do these buttery soft outfits make skin-to-skin contact easy, they are also THE BEST baby clothes for quickly changing diapers. There are no zippers, snaps or buttons and the outfit never has to be pulled over the baby’s head. It will be her favorite baby gift. Seriously!

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“I only dress my daughter in Bonsie Skin to Skin Babywear…I need a onesie in every color and size.” -Emily


New moms are sleep deprived, overwhelmed and constantly second guessing themselves. Tell mom that she is doing a fantastic job, listen to her vent without trying to solve her problems and remind her of how lucky her baby is to be so loved. Be her cheerleader!