Where Is Briggs? Tips on Traveling with a Baby

Amritpal Singh

Bonsie had the privilege to chat with Jess Darrington, a travel content creator and author of the popular Where Is Briggs blog. She lives in Idaho with her husband, toddler, and newborn baby. Jess was a travel content creator for several years before she had her son, and then when she became a mom, she decided to just bring him along. Jess said that Briggs, her toddler, is “the best travel buddy!”

We asked Jess a few questions about her travels, motherhood, and for advice on traveling with a baby.

Jess and Briggs on a beautiful hike at Dead Horse State Park in Utah.

Jess and Briggs on a beautiful hike at Dead Horse State Park in Utah.

Before becoming a mom, did you travel frequently?

Yes, because of my career, I traveled quite frequently before my firstborn came. I always used to love going straight to the beach but now as a mom, I actually do love exploring cities and checking out all their local kid's museums and playgrounds. Haha!

Why do you think travel is important for children?

I've personally seen so many benefits from traveling with Briggs! The first is that he demonstrates great adaptability skills. He seems to do well with changing routines and shows flexibility when plans change. Another reason that I think travel is important at an early age is it helps kids get a wider perspective about the world as they are introduced to new countries, new foods, new languages, etc.

I believe travel can all help us become better global citizens!

Jess and Briggs swimming with stingrays in Moorea, French Polynesia.

Jess and Briggs swimming with stingrays in Moorea, French Polynesia.

What are some of your favorite things about traveling with your family?

I love all the "firsts" that come with traveling as a family! I loved our first plane ride together, our first time dipping our little one’s toes in the ocean, our first sleepover in a hotel, etc. It's been so memorable being able to experience these "first moments" with my baby/toddler. I know he won't be able to remember them but I'm so grateful that I've gotten the opportunity to be there with him while he's experienced new things.

What are three of your favorite places that you’ve traveled to with Briggs?

This question is so hard because we've been blessed to explore some pretty incredible places together as a family! I'd say some of our most memorable vacations include staying in an overwater bungalow and swimming with rays in Mo'orea, taking a Disney cruise together, and exploring Switzerland by train!

Can you share a bit about your most memorable trip with Briggs?

One trip that I will always remember taking with Briggs is when I took him to Mexico with my parents. My siblings and I went to Mexico quite a bit when we were growing up with my parents, so it was cool to introduce Briggs to some of my earliest travel memories as a family-favorite destination. I got to introduce him to some local foods, we floated down a giant natural "lazy river" and had plenty of time to play in the sand. We even visited a cenote, although the water was a bit too cold for his liking.

What would you say to a new mom who wants to travel with her baby, but is nervous?

I've been there! It can be so hard just getting to the local store, let alone thinking about taking a trip across the world. My recommendation is to start small. Maybe practice by booking a local hotel room and go through the motions of what you would pack, how you would sleep with the baby in a different setting, etc. Practice in a local place can be beneficial because if you happen to forget anything, it's easy to get back home. We did this when Briggs was three weeks old and it was definitely eye-opening and a confidence booster just by "practicing" before we took our first big trip together.

Jess and Briggs at a hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Jess and Briggs at a hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Since delivering Raylee and becoming a mom of two, how will you adjust your travel plans?

As we start traveling with a newborn and a toddler, I think one change we are going to make is spending more time in a destination instead of jumping from place to place. Adopting a slower form of travel will give us that needed flexibility required when traveling with more than one child.

Raylee in an avocado Bonsie.

Raylee in an avocado Bonsie.

Follow Jess on Instagram @whereisbriggs and check out her blog for more great travel advice.